Custom Website vs Templates — which one to choose?

Indywidualny projekt strony vs gotowe szablony

A well-designed custom website is a perfect way to establish your online presence and raise awareness of your business. There are two popular ways to get a fully-fledged website – through ready-made templates or a custom project developed from scratch. Let’s analyze the pros and cons of both solutions and choose the right one for your business.

What’s the difference between a custom web design and a website template?

Your website serves a lot of purposes, from being your online business card to communicating with your customers. However, not all websites offer the expected return on investment. That is why it is crucial to choose the option that fits your business objectives and expectations. Let’s compare two popular alternatives for creating the website: ready-made templates and custom designs.

Website templates

A web template is a prefabricated web design that enables adding content to ready-made layouts and frameworks.


  • Templates are fast and useful solutions for saving money since they are usually much cheaper than a website developed from scratch.
  • You may customize certain features, like colors or fonts.


  • Websites built on templates lack uniqueness in design. There’s a likelihood that your website will look very similar to the competition.
  • The possibilities of modifications are very limited.

A custom website

When we say custom, we automatically refer to something that is created on order. In other words, customization is a creation that aims to meet individual requirements. So, a customized website is designed with adjustments to specific customers’ needs.


  • Custom websites look professional, which will help you to make a great first impression on the users and encourage them to come back.
  • A unique custom design will not only draw the attention of the visitors but help to strengthen your brand’s image in the long run.


  • Developing a custom website project from scratch requires more time. The time is set individually, and it usually depends on the level of the project’s complexity.
  • You will need to devote some time to communicate with the dedicated team

Why Custom Website Development is the Best Option for Your Brand?

Having a fully customized website will make a difference in the competitive world of online businesses.

Here are the main reasons why enterprises need a custom website:

Clean code

First of all, a website built from scratch has got stable code that helps, e.g. reduce its loading time. As a result, you get a fully responsive website that matches every screen’s size.

Stand out from the competition

Custom web development provides a comprehensive and user-friendly website that retains and increases online traffic.


Custom software is a great way to increase your website’s rank in search engines and drive higher traffic. This can support your company in the whole marketing strategy.

Your own web team

You can be in contact with a web design team that has the experience to develop your site and advise you on the best solutions for your business. The designers and developers will provide you with valuable feedback. And only after your approval, our site will be coded into a ready product.

Growth-driven design

Custom site designs provide tangible value to prospective customers. The process of developing custom websites should include all the client’s pain points, which will provide the best outcomes.

Increased sales

Custom web development solutions will help you utilize all kinds of advertising techniques in order to increase sales on your website.

View our recent web design job in the case study, where we show the details of creating a platform for the IT community.

A stunning custom website designed from scratch

In we believe that great websites need custom development. Using the latest frontend technology, such as Next.js and React Native, we create custom websites adjusted to your needs.

Contact us and get a professional and fully customized site with 100% unique content and features.


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